If you have never been to a quilt turning, this is the one you will want to attend! The LVQG has been putting on a good ol' fashioned quilt turning at the Lodi Fair for many years. Quilts are collected from members of the community, the history of each quilt is colorfully summarized and shared with a packed tent. Many a tear has been shed and a hardy laugh heard during this event. Quilt turning videos from prior years are available at the Lodi Library.
How to Register for the Quilt Turning:
Click HERE to open the Quilt Turning form. (not yet available) Save the pdf form on your computer using your first and last name, year, and the quilt name. For example: JaneDoe2022DadsQuilt.pdf
Fill in the form and add any information you would like to share about the quilt. Save the changes on your computer, and email the form to LodiValleyQuiltersGuild@gmail.com by June 30th. If you are unable to email, please print the form and mail it to Joyce Hach BEFORE June 30th (see form for details).0
Quilt Turning 2025 drop off is listed on the form (July 9 or 10 at the fair). There are also volunteers needed for this event as well. Click HERE to sign up to help at the Fair! (not yet available)